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November 29, 2018


Foto 10. Estudiantes de medicina de la UTMACH. Msc. Sofía Ocaña y Sarah Vaca. Buenavista El Oro

MSc. Sofía Ocaña and Sarah Vaca in company of UTMACH students.

From November 22th to 25th a field trip to the city of Machala was carried out, as part of the project: “Evaluation of the resistance to deltamethrin in natural populations of Anopheles albimanus, malaria vector, and its relationship with the use of pyrethroid insecticides in the southwestern coast of Ecuador”. The team led by MSc. Sofía Ocaña traveled to El Oro province and collaborated with students from UTMACH.

Foto 4. Msc. Sofía Ocaña dictando taller sobre Aspectos bioéticos en investigación a estudiantes de medicina de la UTMACH. Machala El Oro

 MSc. Sofía Ocaña giving a lecture about “Bioethical aspects on research”.

Among the different tasks executed by CISeAL’s delegation (Mtr. César Yumiseva, Lic. Juan José Bustillos y Lic. Sarah Vaca) was to deliver a lecture on “Bioethical aspects on research” to students of upper semesters of UTMACH Medicine, who learned, through real life examples, how to react upon the dilemmas that come up as part of scientific research.

One of the main interests of this visit was to collect information, using KAP surveys (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices), about populations and the use of pyrethroids insecticides. Simultaneously, the team monitored water fountains to identify if there was any presence of immature stage of Anopheles mosquitoes.

As seen in the following images, the participation of the entire team allowed the approach to a greater number of people from Buenavista, Pasaje.


Foto 7. Estudiantes de la UTMACH realizando encuestas. Buenavista El Oro

UTMACH students applying surveys. 

The success of this type of exchanges fill us with joy because they impel us to continue working in the search for health solutions for those who need it most.

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