Philippe Belmont, PhD
Areas of research: Epidemiology / Parasitology / Bioprospecting / Infectious, immunological and chronic diseases.
Current research:
- 2023. PhD en Informática. EPN - FIS Quito
- 2010. Maestría en ECOLOGÍA, EVOLUCIÓN Y BIOMETRÍA ESP. FILOGENÉTICA. Universidad UCBL1 dep. Bioinformática - Lyon, Francia
- 2007. AGRÓNOMO (MSC.) ESP. GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS Y DESARROLLO RURAL. ISARA-Instituto Superior de Agronomía Ródano-Alpes-Lyon, Francia
Current position:
- Adjunct investigator to the group of Dra. Betzabé Tello at the Center for Research in Health in Latin America.
Recent publications:
- Belmont Guerron, Philippe Paúl. ‘A Data Mining Framework to Model Interaction Dynamics Between Farms and Environment: Crop Yields Modelling in Ecuador’. PhD Thesis, ESCUELA POLITÉCNICA NACIONAL, 2023.
- Román, A. C., M. A. Villar, P. Belmont-Guerron, and M. B. Ocampo. ‘Undervalued Professionals: Placement of Nutritionist in the Ecuadorian Health System’. BMC Health Services Research 23, no. 1 (26 April 2023): 407.
- Freire, Wilma B., Philippe Belmont Guerron et al.‘Breastfeeding Practices and Complementary Feeding in Ecuador: Implications for Localized Policy Applications and Promotion of Breastfeeding: A Pooled Analysis’. International Breastfeeding Journal 15, no. 1 (2020): 1–9. Services Research 23, no. 1 (26 April 2023): 407. doi: 10.1186/s13006-020-00321-9
- Philippe Belmont Guerrón, and Maria Hallo. ‘An Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches to Integrate Historical Farm Data’. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 10, no. 4 (2022): 623–44. DOI: 10.22364/bjmc.2022.10.4.03