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At CISeAL, we create global educational opportunities through scientific research and operationalizing knowledge through community initiatives. A perfect example is our annual summer field research and service learning experience, through which participants can gain hands-on experience and work next to our researchers to develop their skills through service and research activities.

ATTENTION: In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, this program is temporarily suspended due to the pandemic. CISeAL will not receive applications from new students until regular academic activities are re-established or until further notice from the University Emergency Committee.

During this program, students from around the world experience how CISeAL uses scientific research and local expertise to control Chagas disease, a preventable infectious disease, whose neglect has resulted in the infection of over 7 million people around the world. Students taking part in this program will be able to participate in the development of sustainable solutions for Chagas disease through the Healthy Living Initiative. Here at CISeAL, we believe that sharing goals is key to success, which is why we apply the following to all of our projects:

  • Sendero MJ 20100628 26052 AshimingoImprovement of infrastructure
  • Promotion of healthy living practices
  • Enhancement of income generation

The most important task is encouraging community-based activities that allow for the improvement of environments prone to infection by the “kissing-bug”, which act as vectors for Chagas disease. Specific projects vary according to community needs and resource availability, but the following tasks are usually carried out:

  • Field MJ 20100710 27102 ChaquiscaEntomological surveys
  • Living surveys and infrastructure assessments
  • Parasitological research
  • Assessment of knowledge regarding Chagas disease and mosquito-transmitted diseases (dengue, zika, chikungunya, malaria)
  • Fostering of home-delivery healthcare
  • Building houses that prevent insect infection (“anti-chagas” houses)
  • Community education at elementary schools and for adults
  • Environmental assessments

Students take part in service and research activities. All participants will learn about different models and philosophies of learning through service, participate in routine group reflections, and contribute to the creation of conditions that prevent and control Chagas disease, and foster wellbeing.

Eligibility: Higher-education students (undergraduate and graduate from different backgrounds), professionals, and community members interested in global research about health, development, and education; people interested in service-learning; people interested in improving their Spanish skills.
For more information about how to enroll in one of our training programs, contact us:  
ATTENTION: In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, our internship program is temporarily suspended due to the pandemic. CISeAL will not receive applications from new students until regular academic activities are re-established or until further notice from the University Emergency Committee.

Every year, the Center for Research on Health in Latin America (CISeAL) recruits students from PUCE, other universities in Ecuador and international institutions to complete internships at its facility. Participants are able to analyze biological samples and data collected by CISeAL researchers. Research at laboratories involves the following topics:

  • Cami2 MJ 20161120 Iphone 45771Mosquito biology, physiology, and control
  • Molecular biology to eradicate malaria in Ecuador
  • Chagas disease molecular biology, vector population dynamics, ecological risk factors, and biology
  • Social and biomedical program assessment


Applications to our Internship Program will be recepted at our mail 

Internship Program 

CISeAL offers internships for students interested in international studies, communication, health and medicine, environmental studies, international development, health education, biology, and other areas of knowledge.

Special arrangements can be executed to foster the participation of teachers and professionals who wish to take part in programs and internships offered by CISeAL.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Theses
PUCE students can work under the mentorship of one of our researchers to develop their undergraduate or postgraduate thesis topic.

Training Workshops
We can tailor a workshop on research design, grant-funding, or international publication to meet your organization’s needs.
Masters in Biology of Infectious Diseases (In redesign)

The Masters in Biology of Infectious Diseases program aims to promote the improvement of the quality of life of the Ecuadorian population through scientific and technological development that will contribute to the preparation of professionals capable of carrying out research in Infectious Diseases. The program provides trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently approach the serious problems of infectious diseases.

Workshop MJ 20120308 43731 Quito DisenoGraduates can be part of research groups in the public sector, higher education institutions and private businesses such as those within the pharmaceutical industry. It is expected that their professional training promotes their scientific development, in order to be active players in the fight against infectious diseases in the country.

Graduates of the program are able to
  • Design and perform molecular and immunology experiments.
  • Acquire and analyze data with geographic information systems.
  • Create protocols with international standards to do research with laboratory animals and humans.
  • Tom MJ 20180219 IphoneX 46736Interpret and synthesize results, and disseminate them through indexed scientific publications.
  • Design research activities about infectious agents, vectors, reservoirs and their interaction with humans; diagnostics methods; vaccines; epidemiology and more.
  • Generate basic knowledge to recommend strategies aimed at solving the serious problems caused by infectious agents in Ecuador.
  • Demonstrate a high degree of commitment to national and regional development.
  • Keep knowledge updated, with capacity for critical analysis.
The Master in Biology of Infectious Diseases program started in 2015. The first students of the Masters have already graduated, and several are currently doing internships abroad, which demonstrates the success of the program.

If you wish to take part in our programs, you can contact us via email at

At CISeAL, we believe that creating spaces for cientific interaction and communication of the results of the research conducted in Ecuador is essential. Therefore, since 2010 we have organized cientific congreses with the participation of national and international researchers. 

In addition, we organize conferences by national and iternational experts. Many of these events are open to the public and can be attended in person or via videoconference. These events are announced periodically via our social media.

2018: I International Congress of Public Health, Inequalities and Research / V International Meeting on Infectious Disease Research and Tropical Medicine.

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2016: IV International Meeting on Infectious Disease research and Tropical Medicine.

4to Encuentro

2014: II LAN MEEGID (Latin Ametican Network of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases) and III National Meeting of Infectious Disease Research and Tropical Medicine.

3ER Encuentro


2012: II National Meeting of Infectious Disease Research and Tropical Medicine.

2do Encuentro


2010: First National Meeting of Research on Chagas and other Infectious Diseases.

1er Encuentro