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Information Technology Access 



CISeAL has a great variety of technological equipment for web browsing, as well as a number of free licenses for the most common software packages. These resources are available 24/7 to all members of the Center.

A properly equipped and experienced Data Management Unit (UMD) exists within CISeAL. It complies with international standards, including security features for controlled access to project data; a tracking system for data forms, activities, and study samples; double data entry of data forms; date and time stamping of all data records with electronic signatures; and audit trails to track all changes made to data records. The open-source clinical trial software used is OpenClinica, which allows for double data entry, discrepancy management, data validation, and traceability. The UMD oversees the design of data collection forms, data management plan design and implementation, first-level data processing, training of personnel in data collection procedures, database design and management, record storage (digital and physical), and other network services.

CISeAL has statisticians and researchers as part of its staff that is well versed in data analysis, manuscript preparation, and peer-reviewed publishing processes. Additionally, both CISeAL and PUCE have processes in place to disseminate significant findings by their researchers to the general public online.

Currently, online lectures and communications rely on a combination of several free and paid audio/video/instant messaging applications (such as Zoom and Skype). 


Read more: COVID-19: Manejo de datos para superar una crisis